Feasibility of the Bazhenov Formation Reservoir Hydrodynamic Model
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Bazhenov formation
hydrodynamic model

How to Cite

Volpin S.G., Lomakina O.V., Afanaskin I.V., YudinV.А. Feasibility of the Bazhenov Formation Reservoir Hydrodynamic Model // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2021. Vol. 2, № 4. P. 78-86. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2021-2-4-9.


The studies of the oil fields confined to the sediments of the Bazhenov formation shows that the productivity of oil-saturated formations is significantly heterogeneous both in terms of the area and thickness of the productive formations. Identification of higher productivity zones in the Bazhenov formation sediments is one of the primary problems enabling to development of the large, but hard-to-recover reserves confined to the sediments of the Bazhenov formation. To identify such zones, it is necessary to determine the type of the reservoir, identify the features of its energy state, and build a hydrodynamic model of the oil reservoir in the Bazhenov formation.

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