Numerical Solution of the Stefan Problem for an Artificial Ice Island
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artificial ice islands
Stefan problem
parabolic equations
quasilinear heat conductivity equation

How to Cite

Konov D.S., Muratov M.V., Biryukov V.A. Numerical Solution of the Stefan Problem for an Artificial Ice Island // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2022. Vol. 3, № 1. P. 14-19. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2022-3-1-2.


We studied a wo-dimensional ice island in Arctic. A phase transition problem also called the Stefan problem is stated. A numerical method for solving it is developed. This method is modified to consider the environment effects which are not present in the physical model. We also briefly discuss approaches to including ice and water salinity, wind speed, and water currents as they are software-implemented. A series of numerical experiments for the ice island are conducted using the simulation model. The temperature fields inside the ice island after are found also taking into account the presence of a 10 m thick seabed soil after freezing and for various extreme environmental conditions.
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