Bi-Infinite Calculating Automaton
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extroversion by states
extroversion by input alphabet
automaton kernel
main computable function
associated functions
the root part of letter
alphabetic sections

How to Cite

Deev G.E., Ermakov S.V. Bi-Infinite Calculating Automaton // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2022. Vol. 3, № 3. P. 52-62. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2022-3-3-6.


using the concept of extroversion, we designed and studied an abstract automaton that performs multiplication by 3(4) in the quadratic number system; besides, it computes an infinite number of related operations. The multiplier by 3(4) is used as an example for simplicity. The device is infinite, so the research is mostly theoretical. Nevertheless, it also has some practical value because it reveals the capabilities of real-life computational processes. In particular, it helps find the fastest possible calculations. The device design is unusual. It is a T-shaped cross of two infinities: the infinity of the states (“horizontal”) and the infinity of the input alphabet (“vertical”). That is why the name: bi-infinity automation. Similar bi-infinite devices are generated by many other critical computing devices. Therefore, the transition to bi-infinity helps better understand the essence of computational processes. B-technology can implement some finite slices of each bi-infinite device.
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