3D Reinforcement Arrangements for Carbon-Carbon Composite Multilayer Fiber Preforms
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3D reinforced composite
carbon materials

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Mikheyev P.V., Bukharov S.V., Lebedev A.K., Tashchilov S.V. 3D Reinforcement Arrangements for Carbon-Carbon Composite Multilayer Fiber Preforms // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2022. Vol. 3, № 3. P. 63-73. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2022-3-3-7.


to improve the efficiency of advanced powerplants, we need new multilayer composite materials with adjustable layup patterns, reinforcement density, and interlayer strength. They will ensure structural stability under high thermal loads and erosion. The structure of such materials should be modeled to forecast the properties of the final product. This paper studies the effects of composite structure and tufting (inserting a thread through a layered dry fabric with a needle that, after insertion, moves back along the same trajectory) of a multilayer UT-900 carbon fabric composite with the UKN-M-3K-ED thread on the properties of the composite. We simulated the tufting of layered carbon fabrics preforms up to 100 mm thick. These preforms are workpieces for making carbon-carbon composites with the required thermal, physical, and structural properties.

We experimentally modeled the tufting of a layered reinforced composite preform structure. The anisotropic tufting process variables required to assess the structural properties were estimated experimentally. The results were compared with the properties of KIMF, Ipresscon, ARMIR-P, and MKU4M-7 composites.

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ТУ 48-4807-237-90 «Заготовки из армированного рекристаллизованного графита марки АРМИР-П».


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