I. I. Ivanov1, Yu. F. Muravyov2, V. V. Petrov3

1 Surgut State University, Surgut, Russian Federation

ORCID:, email:

2 Federal State Institution “Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Moscow, Russian Federation

ORCID:, email:

3 Surgut Branch of Federal State Institute “Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Surgut, Russian Federation

ORCID:, email:

Abstract: (150–250 words). No paragraphs.

Keywords: author guidelines, manuscript format.

Acknowledgements: if any.

Cite this article: <generated automatically>.

Review Procedure

All submitted papers within the journal scope are peer-reviewed. The reviewers are recognized experts on the subject. An expert is expected to have published papers in the area of the paper under review for the last 3 years. The publishing house and the Editorial Board keep the reviews for 5 years. The Editorial Board sends the reviews or paper reject notices with explanations. It is also required to submit the reviews to the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education upon request. The review process is double-blind (the reviewer is unaware of the authors’ names; the authors are unaware of the reviewer’s name). The review procedure determines whether a paper is accepted or rejected.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit papers for content and length. If a revision is required, a revised paper should be submitted (electronically) within one week.

The authors should submit original, unbiased, and well-grounded texts. We do not accept any papers already published or submitted for publication. Every manuscript is checked for plagiarism and originality. At least 75% of the text body shall be original.

Any papers failing to meet the requirements may be rejected.

The publication is free for all authors; no fee is paid to the authors, either.

Full paper texts are Web-published at the journal’s site for free unlimited access and are included in the Digital Research Library at, and Google Scholar at, and listed on the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The papers will soon be indexed in other Russian and international databases.

Paper Layout

The paper size is up to 12 pages (10,000 to 20,000 characters).

It is advisable to use MS Word 2016 (MenuFileSave asTypeWord document), or LaTeX file formats. This document meets the following layout requirements and can be used as a paper template.

The file name shall be “article” (“article.docx” for MS Word or “article.tex” for LaTeX1 ).
To verify the layout, please attach a pdf file2 with the same name.
Any images should be both embedded into the text and attached as separate image files (see Image Format below).

Please put all the files into a folder. The folder name shall be “FirstAuthorYear-month-day” (paper submission date). Compress it into a zip file.

Please specify the phone numbers of each author in the message body.

Paper Structure

Paper title (no abbreviations, please) (bold, centered). No period after the title.
Author’s full name or initials (bold, centered). An author’s name is followed by a footnote (italics, centered, 10 pt font size) with the affiliation (no abbreviations, please), city, country, ORCID, and email address.
Abstract (single paragraph). No abbreviations, please.
Keywords (3–6).
Acknowledgements. Please refer to any grants supporting your research, if any.
“Cite this article” (a reference to your paper).
Paper text (introduction, body, conclusion). You may divide the text into unnumbered subsections. Please do not use automatic subsection numbering. The indent is 1.25 cm. Add an empty line before each subsection.
References (sources referenced in the text). Please use from 8 to 50 references. Self-references shall not exceed 30% of the total number of references.

MS Word Formatting Guidelines

Paper size A4, portrait, all margins are 2 cm. The header margin is 1.25 cm.

The font is Times New Roman. The line spacing is single. The font size is 12 pt.

Use standard MS Word tables. In tables, it is recommended to use a 10 or 11 pt font size.

Use the Equation Editor for all equations, both inline and positioned on a separate line, and for all the equation symbols and variable names. Never insert equations as images.

Mn  =    σnz dz = Mx cos2α + My sin2 α,
     − 2

Mn t = −   τntz dz.

The equations (1) and (2) are left-justified3 , the equation numbers are in parentheses at the right margin. Use a single-level numbering. Use extra tab stops: at 8.5 cm, centered; at 16 cm, left-justified. Specify numbers only for separate-line equations that are referenced in the text.

Do not use other types of justification for equations (e.g., using a table with the borders removed). Do not use multilevel numbering, letters, or special characters such as (1.1), (1a), (1), (IV ).

LaTeX Formatting Guidelines

For LaTeX please use the style file and the template available for download at the journal website.

LaTeX is our tool for the final journal layout. MS Office documents are converted into LaTeX. UTF-8 encoding is used.

Each paper text is placed into a separate folder; there is also the Figs subfolder containing the images. The LaTeX project should consist of at least three files. The first one is the LaTeX preamble file “rjc-author-preview-eng.tex” (it imports the required packages). The paper body is included into it with the following command: \input :




Besides “rjc-author-preview.tex” and “article.tex”, the project shall contain the “rjcniisi.sty” file with the journal layout settings. Put the image files, if any, in the “figs” folder.

This LaTeX project is a template for your paper. Please edit “article.tex” only. Compile “rjc-author-preview.tex”.

Each paper is included in a journal as a \section level item. For this reason, you may only use the \subsection clause within your paper.

For references, use either plain text or standard LaTeX tools: thebibliography or BiBTeX.

Never override the standard settings and formatting commands applicable to the entire document formatting and its structural elements.

Image Format

Each image shall have a caption. Each image shall be referenced in the text at least once. An image should be located as close as possible to the first reference to it in the text.

Make sure the text on the images is readable.

Since the journal is published in two languages, any text on images, diagrams, plots, etc. shall be vector and editable. We do not accept images with text in raster formats (jpeg, png, tiff…).

Raster images should be ready for 600 dpi printing. Please note that b/w diagrams, plots, and photos are preferable. An image in a standard vector or raster format (.png, .jpg, .eps, .pdf) should be enclosed as a Fig_N.* file, where N is the figure number. Save the image files into the Figs subfolder under the paper folder (FirstAuthorYear-month-day).

Formatting References

Please include a list of references.

References are numbered consecutively according to the first mention of each source in the text (Vancouver style).

Reference numbers are put in brackets (example: [2]). If you refer to a specific page, the page number is included after a comma: [10, p. 81]. If you refer to more than one source, the reference numbers are comma-separated: [1, 3, 14].

Each reference shall be mentioned in the text.

It is advisable to refer to periodicals indexed in international research databases. Avoid referring to textbooks, tutorials, handbooks, dictionaries, collections, theses, and other small-run publications.

Please specify the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if available. Check if the DOI is correct (registered with CrossRef), authentic, and up-to-date.

It is advisable to copy references from the “Cite this article” sections in journals and on websites.

The DOI, if any, is specified at the end. If a DOI for ab online publication is not available, it is desirable to specify the URL address.

Use abbreviations for volumes, issues pages (vol., no., pp.).

If the DOI is available, it is used to track citations by the research paper databases. If the DOI is not available, the databases use the first author’s name and the paper description fields (journal name, year, volume, issue, pages). Any mismatch in these fields would result in a lost link and the citation would not be registered.

It is recommended to use a reference manager tool: Mendeley, EndNote, Citethisforme, and the like.



Kirillova O. V., Popova N. G., Skalaban A. V. et al. Guidelines for Scientific Journal Web Site as a Presentation Tool for Domestic and International Audience.Yekaterinburg: Urals Univ. Press; 2018. 92 p. (In Russ.) Available at: 10.1134/B978-5-7996-2332-6.

Rew D. Thoughts on Journal Titles for Russian Editors and Publishers. Science Editor and Publisher. 2016;1(1-4):46–47. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.24069/2542-0267-2016-1-4-46-47.

Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board. Available at: